散策・人の行く道 Our Chosen Paths
The capital will be our next battlefield...
ディミトリ: 次の戦場は、帝都になるだろう。決着がつくまで、ここに戻るつもりはない。
Dimitri: Our next battlefield will be the Imperial capital. There will be no turning back. If you have any unfinished business here, you had best settle it before we depart.
Choice 1: 時間が足りない There's not enough time.
ディミトリ: 悪いが、そこは何とか間に合わせてほしい。出立までの時間も、限られているからな。
Dimitri: I apologize, but you'll have to make do with the time you have. We cannot afford a delay.
Choice 2: 任せてほしい Leave it to me.
ディミトリ: そうか、頼もしいな。……よろしく頼む。
Dimitri: I knew I could count on you. Good luck.
I believe in you.
ドゥドゥー: 殿下に万一のことがないよう、頼む。お前になら、任せられる。
Dedue: I believe in you, but please ensure that his Highness survives as well.
Fódlan's future would be in peril if we lost him. I would not be able to go on.
Choice 1: 任された Leave it to me. (Dedue ⤴)
ドゥドゥー: ……感謝する。
Dedue: Thank you,
Choice 2: わかっている I understand.
ドゥドゥー: ……そうか。それなら、いい。
Dedue: Good.
フェリクス: ……皇帝と話がしたい、か。
Felix: He intends to speak to the emperor? She's his stepsister, I know, but this seems risky.
Choice 1: 必要なことだ It's important.
フェリクス: ……フン。それは俺とて、理解している。
Felix: Pah! I know that!
Choice 2: 異存があるのか? You're against it? (Relationship with Felix up)
フェリクス: ……別に。奴も、奴なりに考えたのだろう。
Felix: No, I'm not. I'm sure he's thought it through.
フェリクス: 確かに、奴らがわかり合い、戦わずに済めばそれが最も犠牲を生まない道なのだろうよ。
Felix: If the two can settle this diplomatically, that would be the best way out of this mess. No more bloodshed. Let's just hope he doesn't become so overwhelmed with emotion that he's unable to strike her down... should the need arise.
Let's do our best to survive this.
アッシュ: この大修道院で過ごしていると、5年前の思い出が、いろいろと蘇ってくるんです。
Ashe: Returning to the monastery brings back so many memories from five years ago. Hard to believe we only spent a year together here. So much happened that it felt a lot longer than that. But it was so exciting. And so much fun. Honestly, I think those memories are what's kept me fighting this long. What was that year like for you, Professor?
Choice 1: 楽しかった It was a lot of fun. (Relationship with Ashe up)
アッシュ: 先生もそう思ってくれているなら、こんなに嬉しいことはありません。
Ashe: I don't think I could ask for a better answer.
Choice 2: 大変だった It was challenging.
アッシュ: そうですよね……。いろいろなことがありましたから。
Ashe: Ah...yeah, there were a lot of hard times too.
アッシュ: ……先生、みんなで生き残って、必ず、またここに戻ってきましょう。
Ashe: Let's all do our best to survive this, so we can come back here when it's all over. I know that's what I'll be doing.
Let's be sure to come back alive.
シルヴァン: 俺たちに俺たちなりの正義があるように、帝国にも帝国なりの正義があるわけで、
Sylvain: I've been thinking about how we've got our own ideas about justice...and so does the Empire. And what's coming, it's not just a battle between us and them. It's our ideals that are fighting. Whoever wins will say they were right and the other side was wrong. And I get it. That's how it goes... But nobody's willing to talk or compromise, so we'll fight to the death to prove the other guy's wrong. It won't be an easy battle, but let's make sure we come back alive. Right, Professor?
Will it really be over?
メルセデス: いよいよ帝都に向かうのね~。感慨深いというか、何というか~……
Mercedes: We'll be heading for the capital soon. So much rests on this moment. Will the war really be over if we take the capital?
Choice 1: すぐには難しい It might not end right away.
メルセデス: やっぱり、そうよね……。だけど、いつかは必ず……。
Mercedes: You're probably right...but we'll get there eventually.
Choice 2: きっと終わる Definitely.
メルセデス: ええ、そうよね。時間はかかるかもしれないけれど~。
Mercedes: Yay! I'm sure it won't end right away, but that's still great news!
メルセデス: きっと、この戦いの先には平和な未来がある……私はそう信じたいわ。
Mercedes: I truly believe that a peaceful future is waiting at the end of all this.
I hope this is the final battle...
アネット: この戦いが……最後の戦いになるといいですね、先生。
Annette: I hope this is the final battle. Don't you, Professor?
When the war is over, everyone will be busy with their own lives...
But let's all meet up again someday. Right here at Garreg Mach.
You, His Highness, my father, our monastery friends, the knights...everyone!
Choice 1: 良い考えだ That's a great idea. (Annette ⤴)
アネット: えへへ……我ながら、良い思いつきだなあって思ってます。
Annette: It was just a silly whim I had, but I really love it!
Choice 2: 集まれるだろうか……? I wonder if that's possible...
アネット: 集まれるか、じゃなく、集まるんですっ。今度こそ、ちゃんと同窓会がしたいなって。
Annette: All that matters is whether we choose to make it happen. I really hope that we do!
アネット: あたし、美味しいお菓子をたくさん焼いていきますね。
Annette: Ooh, and I'll bake a bunch of desserts for it! Reunion sweets! All we have to do now is win! Let's get to it, Professor!
I'm glad we have you, Professor.
イングリット: 先生が青獅子の学級の担任で、本当に……良かったと思っています。
Ingrid: I'm so glad you were assigned to the Blue Lion House, Professor. We made it this far thanks to your guidance and leadership. There's a bitter fight ahead - that much is certain. You have my lance.
Choice 1: 頼りにしている We're counting on you. (Relationship with Ingrid up)
Choice 2: 必ず勝とう We will prevail!
イングリット: ……はい。頑張りましょう、先生!
Ingrid: Yes. Let's do this together!
We made it.
フェルディナント: いよいよここまで来たな、先生。
Ferdinand: Professor. At last, the end is nigh. I love the Empire. Part of me wants it to survive. But I know that is not reasonable. The Empire's time has come. The Kingdom is battle-scarred, the Alliance is in tatters... People must be terrified. The world is crumbling around them. What we need now is a mighty leader who can rebuild Fódlan and rule it as a single nation. Nonetheless, it saddens me that we will not have an Adrestian emperor...
We're coming to the end of this war...
リンハルト: 戦争って、終わりに近づけば近づくほど、犠牲が大きくなるんでしょ?
Linhardt: When you think of it, as one approaches the end of a war, the sacrifices only grow larger, don't they?
The winning side musters their forces and attempts to strike a decisive blow...
While those of the losing side make desperate attempts to turn the war in their favor. Neither side will give.
I only wish we'd consider those who lose their lives in that struggle.
Choice 1: 自分たちも危ない We're far from being safe ourselves. (Relationship with Linhardt up)
リンハルト: そうですよ。そうならないよう気をつけましょう、先生。
Linhardt: Yes, exactly my point. Let's be careful to ensure we don't lose our lives, Professor.
Choice 2: 必要な犠牲だ It's a necessary sacrifice.
リンハルト: でも、割り切れないですよね。自分の生死がほとんど運で決まるなんて。
Linhardt: Perhaps, but that doesn't make it any easier to accept your own survival depends on a throw of the dice.
Choice 3: 長引くよりはいい It's better than dragging the war out.
リンハルト: まあそれはわかりますけど……「まだいい」だけであって、十全ではないですよねえ。
Linhardt: I can appreciate that, but just because a choice is better does not mean that it's good.
It's such a relief...
カスパル: いやー、オレの親父と顔を合わさずに帝都まで行けそうで、ほっとしてるぜ。
Caspar: It's such a relief that we've made it this far without having to fight my father.
Choice 1: 戦うことになるかもしれない You'll have to face him at some point.
カスパル: 怖えこと言わないでくれよ! 帝都攻略中に援軍で来ちまったらどうすんだ!
Caspar: Are you trying to scare me? What if he turns up while we're charging the capital?!
Choice 2: そんなに怖い? It sounds like you're scared. (Relationship with Caspar up)
カスパル: 怖えに決まってんだろ! 実際、帝国軍も親父のいるとこだけは負けてねえしよ。
Caspar: You bet I'm scared! The Imperial army hasn't lost a single battle with my father on the field!
カスパル: ……けど、オレらが勝って帝都を落とせたら、親父とか、どうなるんだろな。
Caspar: But still, I wonder what'll happen to him if we win...
ベルナデッタ: 先生! 帝都には、たぶん、あたしの母もいるんです!
Bernadetta: Professor! My, um, mother might be in the city. I don't have many good memories of her if I'm being honest, but she's dearer to me than my father, If you happen to see her, please make sure she's not caught up in all the fighting. She's only a civil servant, so hopefully she takes a cue from her Bernie and stays inside.
When will we put this war behind us?
ドロテア: これで最後、次で最後、と思っても、戦いは終わらない……。
Dorothea: I keep thinking the war is near its end, then it isn't...
When can we finally put this dreadful war behind us?
Choice 1: 次で最後にしてみせる Let's end it with the next battle.
ドロテア: そうなると、いいですね……。
Dorothea: That would be wonderful. Imagine, the last moment of combat...then peace. It sounds like a fairy tale. I want to make this a world where there is no fighting, where children can grow up happy and safe.
Choice 2: 戦いは終わらない There can be no end to war. (Relationship with Dorothea up)
ドロテア: ……そうですよね。
Dorothea: I suppose you're right... But we should still try to make the world a place where children can grow up happy and safe.
Our paths will be colliding...
ペトラ: 実は……エーデルガルト様、5年前、わたし、言いました。
Petra: Five years ago... Edelgard said a thing to me.
Brigid is a vassal of the Empire.
But she also said I always have the freedom to be choosing whether I am with or not with her.
I will become the ruler of Brigid. So she said I must make my own path.
So now, my path and her path will be colliding.
At last, the final confrontation!
ローレンツ: さあ、ついに決戦の時だ!帝国を打ち倒し、ファーガスに栄光を!
Lorenz: At last we've come to the final confrontation! Ruin to the Empire! Glory to Faerghus! Of course, to be perfectly honest, I would have much preferred to march against the Empire at the head of the Alliance. But I suppose I have Claude to thank for denying me that satisfaction, don't I?
Wonder if I'll get to see the opera house...
ラファエル: 次は帝都アンヴァルに行くんだよな。無事に戻れたら、オデ、妹に自慢するぞ。
Raphael: We're heading up to Enbarr next. I hope I make it back safe so I can tell my little sis about it! I hear they got a neat opera house there where Manuela used to perform. What was it called again?
Choice 1: ミッテルフランツ歌劇団 Mitreflanc Opera Company
ラファエル: うーん。何か違うんじゃねえか?
Raphael: Nah, that doesn't sound right!
Choice 2: ミッテルフランク歌劇団 Mittelfrank Opera Company (Relationship with Raphael up)
ラファエル: そうそう、確かそんな名前だったな!
Raphael: Ah, that's the one!
Choice 3: ミッテルフラッツ歌劇団 Mildewplank Opera Company
ラファエル: うーん。何か違うんじゃねえか?
Raphael: Nah, that doesn't sound right!
ラファエル: 妹がさ、その歌劇団の舞台を、見たい見たいって言っててなあ。
Raphael: My little sis always goes on about how much she'd like to see them perform. I know we can't see a show, but do you think we could at least see the building?
Seems like we're finishing things up...
イグナーツ: この戦争も、いよいよ総仕上げって感じですよね。
Ignatz: We're about to put the finishing touches on this war. I wonder how Fódlan will look without the backdrop of death and destruction. I can't wait to see it! On the other hand, I'm terrified of what the future might hold. Who knows if I'll survive the assault on the capital?
Things have changed.
リシテア: これから攻め込もうという時に、エーデルガルトと話がしたいとか……
Lysithea: Wanting so desperately to speak with Edelgard just as we're about to fight... Could it be that the prince is having doubts about killing her.
Choice 1: そうではない I don't think so.
リシテア: ふうん……なら、いいんですけど。
Lysithea: Then perhaps it is okay.
Choice 2: けじめとして会うだけ It's only a formality. (Relationship with Lysithea up)
リシテア: ……まあ、彼らの関係がどういうものかは、彼らにしかわからないことですからね。
Lysithea: I suppose they're the only ones who fully understand the extent of their relationship.
リシテア: ですが、あれほど復讐にこだわっていた彼が、随分と人間らしくなったものです。
Lysithea: He's certainly changed from the vengeful person he once was. I don't mean that in a bad way. I'm actually relieved. A king who's responsible for Fódlan's future can't exact personal vendettas and have a cold heart.
Dear Goddess...
マリアンヌ: 主よ……
Marianne: Dear Goddess...
Choice 1: またお祈り? Praying again?
マリアンヌ: はい……先生の無事を……。
Marianne: Yes... I was praying for your safety.
Choice 2: 何を祈っている? What are you praying for? (Relationship with Marianne up)
マリアンヌ: あの……先生の無事を……。
Marianne: Um...for your safety.
マリアンヌ: 私も死なないようにしますから……どうか先生も、死なないでくださいね……。
Marianne: I'll do all I can to survive, but please...please don't die out there Professor.
Yeah! Woo!
ヒルダ: 戦場が帝都でも!敵が怖ーいエーデルガルトちゃんでも!
Hilda: Fighting in the capital! Ugh! And we're fighting against Edelgard! Double ugh!
But with you leading us, Professor, I know we'll win.
Yeah! Wahoo! Fighting!
I'm a little scared, to be honest. I'm just shouting to relieve the tension, but I'll be fine.
Time for revenge.
レオニー: いよいよ次は皇帝……エーデルガルトが相手か。
Leonie: At last, it's time to face the Flame Emperor... Edelgard. I know that the future of all Fódlan rests on this battle. Nothing else is more important. But for me, this is personal. For Captain Jeralt's sake, I'm going to give it all I've got and more!
Are you prepared?
セテス: アンヴァルのどこかで、レアは君の到来が近いことを感じ取っているだろうか……。
Seteth: Rhea will be somewhere in the city. I wonder if she can sense us coming. The battle will soon be upon us. Let us both be at our best for what is to come.
Truly regrettable...
フレン: 帝都アンヴァル……実はわたくしにとって、生誕の地ですのよ?
Flayn: I was born in Enbarr. My mother and father met in the church there. Not too long after, I was brought into the world. I do not understand how war can happen in such a precious place. It is most regrettable.
Back in the capital again...
ハンネマン: 帝都アンヴァルか……。あの街には苦い思い出が詰まっている。
Hanneman: Enbarr's streets are paved with unhappy memories, Professor. I've avoided the damned place since I abandoned my nobility. Swore never to return. Now here we are. To return in this manner... Well, I can't say it is something I ever imagined. Especially as I'm returning to end the Empire. What a strange feeling, breaking one's history.
The way things are going...
マヌエラ: ここまで険しくも困難な道を共に歩み続けてきた仲間たち……。
だのになぜ! 誰もあたくしと愛を育もうとはしないわけ!?
Manuela: Life can be tough, you know? But if you've got your friends to help you through, it can be a lot easier. Maybe you butt heads sometimes...but that's OK. That's how you build bonds, right? And I've got friends, Professor. Plenty of those. It's true love that seems to have passed me by.
Choice 1: ……焦らないほうが You should relax.
マヌエラ: 焦ってないわよ、あたくし!焦ってなんか……!
Manuela: Relax? I'm relaxed.
Choice 2: ……まだ望みはある There's still hope. (Relationship with Manuela up)
マヌエラ: どこにあるのかしら?あたくしの望みはどこ!?
Manuela: But where is my true love to be found? Where is my ray of hope?
Choice 3: ……諦めたら? Time to give up?
マヌエラ: ……それが現実的な選択肢として浮かぶようになってきちゃったわけよ。
Manuela: Yeah... I'm starting to figure that's the most realistic option.
マヌエラ: こうなったら、もうあなたしかいないわ。どう? あたくし、何でもするわ、あなた。
Manuela: At this point, you're the only man who pays attention to me. I guess I'll have to take what I can get.
マヌエラ: こうなったら、あなたも独り身でいて。それであたくしと二人、慰め合いましょ?
Manuela: At this point, I'm just hoping you stay single too. Then at least we can share each other's misery
I pray we can put an end to this...
ギルベルト: たとえどんな大義名分があろうと、私たちがしているのは、戦争という名の殺し合い……
Gilbert: It matters not how just our cause may be. In the end, war is nothing more than organized murder.
I understand the desire to reach a conclusion, but we mustn't overlook the sins inherent in our deeds.
Choice 1: 心に留めておこう I am well aware. (Gilbert ⤴)
Choice 2: もちろん理解している I understand, of course.
ギルベルト: ……すみません、私の悪癖ですね。つい、説教めいたことを。
Gilbert: Heh, sorry, I have a tendency to preach.
We have lost so much, and in return, we have taken much from our enemies.
I pray we can put an end to this cycle of violence.
Finally! Am I right, Professor?
アロイス: いよいよ帝国との決戦……長く厳しい戦いだったな、先生。
Alois: Here we are, facing the final battle with the Empire. It's been a long, difficult struggle.
We have to get Lady Rhea back! And we have to crush the Empire, in the name of Captain Jeralt.
He's watching over us now, protecting us. I know he is.
Looks like we're near the end...
カトリーヌ: ぼちぼち大詰めだな、先生。
Catherine: Looks like we're nearing the end of this struggle.
I'm sure Lady Rhea is on tenterhooks waiting for me to swoop in and rescue her.
Choice 1: そう思う Probably. (Catherine ⤴)
カトリーヌ: ははは、思ってないだろ。気を遣うなよ。
Catherine: (laughs) I was just kidding! Pay me no mind.
Choice 2: どうだろう I doubt it.
カトリーヌ: おいおい、正直だなアンタは。少しは気を遣えよ。
Catherine: Oof... You don't mince your words. Try being a bit more mindful of other people's feelings.
カトリーヌ: レア様が待ってるのは、アタシじゃなくてアンタだろうさ。悔しいけどね。
Catherine: Lady Rhea is not waiting for me, I know, no matter how much I might wish she were. She's waiting for you.
Compared to back then...
シャミア: 10年前、ダグザ・ブリギット連合軍が西方から帝国に攻め寄せた時……
Shamir: Ten years ago, Dagda and Brigid attacked the Empire from the west.
Their final target was the capital.
But they were countered at a port town, long before they reached their destination.
We spent a lot of time going back and forth, but at least we made it this far.
We'll see her again, right?
ツィリル: もうすぐレアさまに会えると思うと、掃除にも気合いが入っちゃいます。
Cyril: Whenever I think about how we'll be seeing Lady Rhea real soon, I get happy and really get cleaning! We'll get there for sure, right? We'll see her again?
Choice 1: 必ず会える We'll meet her for sure. (Cyril ⤴)
Choice 2: まだわからない We don't know for sure.
ツィリル: レアさま、帝都で先生のこと待ってます。必ず見つけてあげましょうね。
Cyril: I just gotta believe Lady Rhea is waiting for us in the capital... We just have to find her.
Is this finally the end?
アンナ: この戦争も、いよいよ終わりが見えてきたってところかしら…?
Anna: Seems like the war is gonna end soon.
Once the dust settles, it'll be back to rolling in fat stacks of gold for me!
ユーリス: ………………。
Yuri: ...
Choice 1: 珍しいものを見た This is a rare sight.
ユーリス: ……そんなに珍しいか? これでも女神様をそこそこ信じてるほうなんだぜ、俺は。
Yuri: How would you know what's rare and what isn't? I still believe in the goddess, sort of.
Choice 2: 祈っていた? Are you praying?
ユーリス: ……そんなところだ。昔から、でけえ勝負の前には、女神様に祈ることにしてるのさ。
Yuri: I am. It's a bit of a ritual for me to pray before something big like this.
ユーリス: 俺自身は聖句の一つも知らねえが、母さんは、いつもこうしていたから……。
Yuri: I couldn't recount a single word of scripture for you. But my mother always prayed. I picked up the habit from her.
Believe it or not, I'm praying for you too. For you to come back safe.
Can you believe that nonsense?
バルタザール: 小耳に挟んだんだが……ディミトリの奴、皇帝と話し合いに行くって?
Balthus: I hear that damn Dimitri guy plans to chat with the emperor. Can you believe that nonsense? Really, though.
We've been trying to kill each other, and he wants to shoot the breeze? Is he dumb or just insane?
that damn Dimitri guy で笑うyupeco.icon
Choice 1: そうかもしれない Maybe you're right. (Balthus ⤴)
バルタザール: だろ? どうせ会うんなら、そこで殴り合っちまえばいいんだよ。
Balthus: No "maybes" about it, pal. You ask me, they should settle it like civilized folk—with their fists.
Choice 2: そんなことはない You're wrong.
バルタザール: そうか? 話し合う暇があったら殴り合ったほうがマシだと思うがな。
Balthus: That a fact? Heh, you two are birds of a feather. You ask me, they should throw some fists and be done with it.
バルタザール: 仕方ねえ、おれがディミトリの奴に言っとくぜ。言葉じゃなく拳で語れってな!
Balthus: Guess it's up to the One True King of Grappling to talk some sense into ol' Dimitri. When I'm done with him, he'll be ready to brawl!
I'm feeling the pressure!
門番: 先生、お疲れ様です!本日も異常なしであります!
Gatekeeper: Greetings, Professor! Nothing to report!
Momentum's really picking up for this final battle, huh? Even I'm starting to feel tense! Me!
Enbarr's history goes back 1,400 years. That even predates the founding of the Empire.
It's one of the sacred sites of the Seiros faith, so it's a pretty big deal.
But hey, no need to worry about the monastery while you're fighting the final battle. I've got it covered! I'll defend it to my last!
Come back in one piece.
商人: 悪いが、俺たちは戦えねえ。やれるのは、必要な物資を貸し出してやることだけだ。
Merchant: Sorry, but I'm not the fighting type. All I can do is lend you the stuff you need. And, you know, pray to the goddess for your safety. Win, live, and return, OK? Mostly so you can pay me back for the stuff you borrowed!
The canal of Enbarr...
修道士: 帝都アンヴァルの市街には、立派な運河が流れているのをご存じですか?
Monk: Did you know? A magnificent canal flows through downtown Enbarr.
It's said to have been constructed under the guidance of Saint Seiros before the Empire was even formed.
Ever since, that canal has been a major lifeline for the capital's development.
And now this is how the Empire repays it... Truly, no good deed goes unpunished.
Can't let up now.
王国騎士: 帝都に攻め入るとは、つまり、皇帝と剣を交わすということ……。
Kingdom Knight: Attacking the capital means crossing swords with the emperor herself.
I hope you won't be caught unprepared. I've heard that she'll stop at nothing in the pursuit of victory.
Be careful of that Hubert too. The Minister of the Imperial Household. They say he's a cunning strategist.
I'm counting on you.
兵士: わたしは、ダスカーの血を引いている。ファーガスは……憎い仇ではあるが……
Soldier: I've got a bit of Duscur blood in me. Faerghus is our ancestral enemy. But if that man is going to be the king, I don't see any harm in lending him my blade. I believe that we can forge a proud, new Kingdom. As you can tell, I'm expecting great things. I won't forgive you if you lose!
One battle after another.
セイロス騎士: レア様は、帝都アンヴァルの宮城内に捕らわれている可能性が高いと思います。
Knight of Seiros: It's very likely that Lady Rhea is confined in the Imperial palace. If so, then our strategy will be to gain control of the streets, and then assault the castle. A street battle followed by a castle invasion... It's just one battle after another. It'll be tough, but we have to win. For Lady Rhea.
Eat something!
市民: 次に出撃したら、しばらくはまともな食事は望めないでしょう?
Citizen: Once you set out on your next mission, you won't be able to have a proper meal for a while, right? You should eat up while you can, build up your physical strength to prepare for the mission.
From now on...
兵士: あの、俺……ずっとフェルディアで、コルネリアの部下として働いてたんです……
Soldier: I...I used to work for Cornelia in Fhirdiad.
I only followed her because I didn't want to die, but afterwards I felt so ashamed I wanted to die anyway.
I still can't figure out why I did it... Anyway, I'm glad you did what you did.
From now on, I'm going to devote myself to the Kingdom, and fight for what I believe in!
男の子: 皇帝って、どんな顔をしてるんだろう?きっと、すっごい怖い顔なんだろうなー。
Boy: I wonder what the emperor looks like... I bet she's really scary.
Oh, you don't think so? I've never seen her, so I was just guessing.
She tried to destroy the Kingdom and the Alliance, and ordered the capture of the archbishop, right? I dunno... Someone who could do such terrible things just has to be really scary looking!
We're on the path to recovery.
Merchant: While on some business, I went to see how the Kingdom capital is getting on. There are still some things to work out before it can be restored. But generally, things seem to have calmed down. It's on its way to resuming its old energy. I think this will end up being a better Kingdom than before. I really believe that.
If only I still had noble connections...
コンスタンツェ: レア様が帝都に囚われているかもしれないと聞きましたが、まことなのですか?
Constance: Is it true what they say? That the archbishop is a captive of the Empire? I've never heard of anything so brash in all the Empire's long history. It is vexing that Lady Edelgard's true motives elude me. If only I still had noble connections to draw on... The loss of my house has proven to be a thorn in my side again and again.
Let's revisit this topic.
ハピ: これで戦争が終わるのかなー。ずっと地下にいたからか、あっという間に感じるし。
Hapi: The war might be over soon. All this time we've been fighting, and the end comes in the blink of an eye.
I have no idea what I'll do afterwards, though. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Choice 1: 考えておこう You should figure it out now.
ハピ: えー、キミはどうするわけ?いや決まってそうだよね。
Hapi: Easy for you to say. You obviously know what you're going to do. Which is...what, exactly?
Choice 2: ゆっくりでいい It's OK to take your time. (Relationship with Hapi up)
ハピ: そーするよ。キミはどうするわけ?いや、決まってそうだよね。
Hapi: I will. Though you already seem to know what you're going to do. Which is...what, exactly?
ハピ: 答えはまだ聞かないことにするし。戦争が終わったら、教えてよ。
Hapi: Actually, don't tell me your plans just yet. Let's revisit this topic when the war has drawn to a close.
Lots to report, as usual.
番人: 先生、お疲れさんです。ここは本日も異常ありですよ。
Abysskeeper: Hey, you. Listen up. I've got something to report. The war is careening headfirst toward its grand finale. Do me a favor and get through this mess alive, OK? After the dust settles, maybe I'll go on to guard other entrances in other parts of the world. I'm a dreamer, my friend. Always have been.
Everyone's in higher spirits.
住人: 最近は良いねえ。王国軍の連中の機嫌も良くてさ。
We're getting along a lot better with the Kingdom soldiers recently. Everyone's in higher spirits. When they first got here, some of them were aggressive toward us...even abusive. All that's changed now. They've been courteous with us. Generous, even. It's nice to see.